Corrugated steel culvert pipe

Our corrugated steel pipe (CSP) is available in a variety of thicknesses, lengths and coatings.

Corrugated steel culvert pipe

Our corrugated steel pipe (CSP) is available in a variety of thicknesses, lengths and coatings.

These products are used extensively in flood control, drainage, and storm water systems because steel is reliable, traceable, sustainable, and strong.

Structural Plate is ready for a variety of uses, including small bridges, underpasses, and stream enclosures. Structural Plate’s shape also helps maintain the natural environment into which pipes are installed. For example, the arch shape allows wildlife to pass through without difficulty and also leaves stream beds intact.

  • Highway ConstructionHighway Construction
  • Mine ProjectionMine Projection
  • Municipal EngineeringMunicipal Engineering
  • Irrigation EngineeringIrrigation Engineering
  • Railway Construction ProjectionRailway Construction Projection
  • Other ApplicationOther Application

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